Source code for VMO_Score.utils

"""Module implementing some useful methods."""

import shelve

import yaml

[docs]def save_shelf(filepath, field, obj): """Save an object into a file. Args: filepath (str): Path of the file field (str): Id of the object in the file obj (object): Object to be saved """ shelf = shelf[field] = obj shelf.close()
[docs]def load_shelve(filepath, field): """Load a file into an object. Args: filepath (str): String representing the path of the file field (str): identifier of the object Returns: dict: Dictionary representing the object """ shelf = info = shelf[field] shelf.close() return info
[docs]def generate_configuration(filepath, pn): """Generate a configuration file for the Petri Net. Args: filepath (str): String representing the path of the output pn (PetriNet): A Petri Net """ output = {'control': None, 'global': [{'tempo': None}], 'conditions': None, 'actions': None } conditions = [] for t in t_values = {'time-min': t.min_time, 'transition': str(, 'time-max': t.max_time, 'condition': str(t.guard)} conditions.append(t_values) output['conditions'] = None if len(conditions) == 0 else conditions with open(filepath, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(output, f, default_flow_style=False)
[docs]def load_configuration(filepath): """Load a configuration file. Args: filepath: String representing the path of the configuration file Returns: dict: Dictionary representing the configuration file """ with open(filepath, 'r') as f: conf = yaml.load(f) return conf